Caufriez Hypopressive Gymnastics

The Caufriez Hypopressive Gymnastics It is part of the hypopressive techniques born in Belgium in the 1980s from the combination of clinical research in the urological field[1]department of urology – Erasme University Hospital – Pr C.C. Schulman and neurophysiology[2]Environmental and occupational physiology laboratory of the French Community of Belgium – Dr C.Balestra[3]Rial, T. Fernández, I and Villanueva, C. – 2011- Conceptual and Methodological Approach to the Hypopressive Method., Digital magazine. Buenos Aires, 16, 162. – … Continue reading.

Belgium (Credits: TUBS, CC BY-SA 3.0 , via Wikimedia Commons)
Bruxelles (Credits:Zairon, CC BY-SA 4.0 , via Wikimedia Commons)

Hypopressive gymnastics (GAH: Gymnastics Abdominales Hypopressives) “it is an ordered set of rhythmic postural exercises, repetitive and sequential that allow the integration and memorization of proprioceptive, sensitive or sensorial messages associated with a particular postural situation[4]Caufriez, M., pinsach, P. and Fernandez, J.C.. – 2010 – Abdominals and Perineum, Mithes and Realities. Mallorca. MC Editions. In origine, la GAH had been conceived within the scope of a postpartum prevention program, with the aim of finding abdominal gymnastics free of hyperpressive negative effects on the pelvic floor. The GAH was therefore structured in such a way as to determine, during the exercises, a lowering of intra-abdominal and intra-thoracic pressure thanks to the tonic relaxation of the thoracic diaphragm which, for more, it also has the effect of inducing a reflex activation of the pelvic floor muscles and abdominal fascia[5]Caufriez, M., Fernández, B.C., Fanzel, R. y Snoeck, T. -2006-. Effects of a structured Hypopressive Abdominal Gymnastics training program on cervical vertebral statics and… Continue reading.

Among the long-term effects of this technique, improved management of intra-abdominal pressure has been highlighted, particularly in all those circumstances in which we find ourselves under stress[6]Caufriez, M., Fernández, B.C., Fanzel, R. y Snoeck, T. -2006-. Effects of a structured Hypopressive Abdominal Gymnastics training program on cervical vertebral statics and… Continue reading.

GAH is a postural gymnastics:

  • it is based on the maintenance of a particular posture for a certain period of time.
  • if applied for a sufficient period of time it leads to a modification of the body plan and posture.
Vitruvian Man (Credits: Leonardo da Vinci, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons)

The duration of each session is 45 minutes and the total number of sessions it essentially depends on the patient and his ability to learn and to perform the exercises.

Learning the exercises happens progressively and you move on to the following financial year only when the previous one it was done correctly.

When the patient is able to correctly perform an exercise, it is performed in apnea with active contraction of some inspiratory muscles (serratus gran and external intercostals) to intensify the effects of the exercise itself. Each hypopressive exercise consists of reaching and maintaining a certain posture for approximately 25 seconds;

Maintain the posture with a two-step breath hold:10 seconds + 15 seconds


  • Diastasis of the rectus abdominis muscles[7]Ramirez-Jimenez, Miriam, et al. Effects of hypopressive exercises on post-partum abdominal diastasis, trunk circumference, and mechanical properties of abdominopelvic tissue. A case series; … Continue reading [8]Cañamero-de León, S., et al; Effects of an exercise program on diastasis recti in women; International Journal of Health Sciences and Research 9.10; 2019; 90-9 [9]Arranz-Martin, Beatriz, et al.; The impact of hypopressive abdominal exercise on linea alba morphology in women who are postpartum. A short-term cross-sectional study.; Physical Therapy 102.8; … Continue reading.
  • Chronic nonspecific low back pain [10]Bellido-Fernandez, L., et al. Effectiveness of massage therapy and abdominal hypopressive gymnastics in nonspecific chronic low back pain. A randomized controlled pilot study. Evidence-Based… Continue reading
  • Posture[11]Moreno-Muñoz, Maria del Mar, et al. The effects of abdominal hypopressive training on postural control and deep trunk muscle activation. A randomized controlled trial. International journal of… Continue reading

GAH is also widely used for rehabilitative or preventive purposes even in the cases listed below even if at the moment no studies have been conducted capable of proving or denying its effectiveness:

  • prevention of pelvic organ prolapse [12]by Viñaspre Hernández, R. Ruiz. Efficacy of hypopressive abdominal gymnastics in rehabilitating the pelvic floor of women. A systematic review. Spanish Urological Acts. English Edition. 42.9 … Continue reading
  • stress urinary incontinence [13]by Viñaspre Hernández, R. Ruiz. Efficacy of hypopressive abdominal gymnastics in rehabilitating the pelvic floor of women. A systematic review. Spanish Urological Acts. English Edition. 42.9 … Continue reading
  • prevention of herniated discs, abdominal muscles, inguinal and vaginal
  • vascular drainage of the lower limbs


1 department of urology – Erasme University Hospital – Pr C.C. Schulman
2 Environmental and occupational physiology laboratory of the French Community of Belgium – Dr C.Balestra
3 Rial, T. Fernández, I and Villanueva, C. – 2011- Conceptual and Methodological Approach to the Hypopressive Method., Digital magazine. Buenos Aires, 16, 162. –
4 Caufriez, M., pinsach, P. and Fernandez, J.C.. – 2010 – Abdominals and Perineum, Mithes and Realities. Mallorca. MC Editions
5 Caufriez, M., Fernández, B.C., Fanzel, R. y Snoeck, T. -2006-. Effects of a structured Hypopressive Abdominal Gymnastics training program on cervical and dorsolumbar vertebral statics, Physiotherapy, 28-4-, 205-16.
6 Caufriez, M., Fernández, B.C., Fanzel, R. y Snoeck, T. -2006-. Effects of a structured Hypopressive Abdominal Gymnastics training program on cervical and dorsolumbar vertebral statics, Physiotherapy, 28-4-, 205-16.
7 Ramirez-Jimenez, Miriam, et al. Effects of hypopressive exercises on post-partum abdominal diastasis, trunk circumference, and mechanical properties of abdominopelvic tissue. A case series; Physiotherapy Theory and Practice 39.1; 2023; 49-60.
8 Cañamero-de León, S., et al; Effects of an exercise program on diastasis recti in women; International Journal of Health Sciences and Research 9.10; 2019; 90-9
9 Arranz-Martin, Beatriz, et al.; The impact of hypopressive abdominal exercise on linea alba morphology in women who are postpartum. A short-term cross-sectional study.; Physical Therapy 102.8; 2022; pzac086
10 Bellido-Fernandez, L., et al. Effectiveness of massage therapy and abdominal hypopressive gymnastics in nonspecific chronic low back pain. A randomized controlled pilot study. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2018.
11 Moreno-Muñoz, Maria del Mar, et al. The effects of abdominal hypopressive training on postural control and deep trunk muscle activation. A randomized controlled trial. International journal of environmental research and public health 18.5 -2021. 2741.
12, 13 by Viñaspre Hernández, R. Ruiz. Efficacy of hypopressive abdominal gymnastics in rehabilitating the pelvic floor of women. A systematic review. Spanish Urological Acts. English Edition. 42.9 -2018. 557-566.