Professional profile

Ministry of Health Decree 14 September 1994, n. 741 (in GU 9 January 1995, n. 6)

Regulation concerning the identification of the figure and the related professional profile of the physiotherapist.

ART. 1:

1. The figure of the physiotherapist is identified with the following profile: the physiotherapist is the health worker, in possession of an enabling university degree, which it carries out autonomously, or in collaboration with other health professionals, preventive interventions, care and rehabilitation in the areas of motor skills, of higher cortical functions, and visceral ones resulting from pathological events, at various etiology, congenital or acquired.

2. With reference to the diagnosis and doctor's prescriptions, within the scope of their competences, the physiotherapist:

1. elaborates, also in a multidisciplinary team, the definition of the rehabilitation program aimed at identifying and overcoming the health needs of the disabled;

2. independently practices therapeutic activity for the functional re-education of motor disabilities, psychomotor and cognitive using physical therapies, manuals, massage therapy and occupational;

3. proposes the adoption of prostheses and aids, trains its use and verifies its effectiveness;

4. verifies the compliance of the rehabilitation methodology implemented with the functional recovery objectives.

3. He carries out study activities, teaching and professional advice, in health services and in those where his professional skills are required;

4. The physiotherapist, through complementary training, integrates basic training with specialization courses in the field of psychomotor skills and occupational therapy:

1. the specialization in psychomotor skills allows the physiotherapist to also carry out both psychic and physical rehabilitation assistance for subjects in developmental age with neurosensory or psychic deficit;

2. the specialization in occupational therapy allows the physiotherapist to operate also in the functional translation of residual motor skills, in order to develop functional compensation for disability, with particular regard to training to achieve autonomy in daily life, of relationship (study-work-free time), also for the purpose of using various types of aids provided to the person or the environment.

5. The training course is defined by decree of the Ministry of Health and ends with the issue of a certificate of specialist training which is a preferential title for the exercise of specific functions in the various areas, after passing specific assessment tests The preferential nature of the qualification is strictly linked to the existence of objective needs for the service and withdraws in the presence of changed factual conditions.

6. The physiotherapist carries out his professional activity in health facilities, public or private, in an employee or freelance regime.