
Indications: Pathologies in the orthopedic field: treatment of fracture outcomes, sprains, tendon injuries, tendinitis, tenosynoviti, insertional tendinopathies, borsiti, of muscular and osteoarticular pathologies such as contractures, muscle tears or strains, low back pain, sciatica, arthrosis (rhizoarthrosis, coxartrosi, gonartrosi, ..) and osteoarticular inflammations such as epicondylitis and epithrocleitis, adhesive capsulitis; in the post-operative rehabilitation of arthroplasty operations (hip prosthesis, knee prosthesis).

Tecar Elettromed
Tecartina from ELETTROMED. Electronic equipment capable of generating a high frequency current to be applied to the body segment of the patient under treatment through two steel electrodes for CAPACITIVE AND RESISTIVE ENERGY TRANSFER.

Tecartherapy, in common ergo Tecar, is an electromedical instrumental therapy that promotes and speeds up the healing process of inflammatory musculoskeletal pathologies and trauma by accelerating the repairing processes of biological tissues. The full name of Tecar is Capacitive-Resistive Energy Transfer and its biological effects depend on the energy it delivers.. Energy can and must be modulated differently depending on the body districts and objectives. Its effects consist in increasing the microcirculation (which is obtained by working in athermia by means of

the use of a low energy level), of vasodilation (working in medium-termia with an intermediate energy level) and the internal temperature (using hyperthermia through the use of a high energy level). Tecar therapy acts locally and has a pain relieving action.

Tecar therapy can be used in capacitive mode, if you want to direct its effectiveness on the treatment of soft tissues, or in resistive mode, if our goal is the treatment of bone districts, articular or cartilaginous, of tendons and ligaments.

L’increase in microcirculation it is indicated to reduce pain and / or inflammation in the acute phase, to treat muscle injuries in the acute phase and to reduce edema.

The vasodilation it is indicated for muscle contractures, blood circulation problems, to improve lymphatic drainage and muscle trophism.

L’internal temperature increase, which occurs through the production of local endogenous heat at the level of the treated areas, it is indicated against chronic inflammation, tissue fibrosis and joint stiffness. The production of endogenous heat causes an increase in blood circulation which means an increase in the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the tissues but also faster elimination of waste substances (cataboliti), therefore overall it translates into an increase in metabolic activity which allows for aacceleration of regenerative processes. The production of endogenous heat also involves the release of endorphins and the pain reduction.The vasodilation it is indicated for muscle contractures, blood circulation problems, to improve lymphatic drainage and muscle trophism.